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CACD Group
updated 2000.03.30

Installing SPICE OPUS for Windows 95/98/NT

After downloading the zip file extract it into the temporary directory of your choice. Then run setup.exe. The installation script will ask you where would you like to install SPICE OPUS and will copy all the files there for you. It will also add the SPICE OPUS executable and a link to this documentation to Start/Programs menu. After the installation is complete you can delete the temporary directory.

The directory where you installed SPICE OPUS should contain following subdirectories:
bin directory with executable files
the spice3 simulator and the cmpp code model source preprocessor
documentation documentation files in html format
examples example circuit files
lib library files
scripts (lib/scripts), help files (lib/helpdir), precompiled code models (lib/cm) and sources of precompiled code models (lib/cmsource/)
include include files for compiling code models
template template files for building and compiling code models

Several system variables can be set in the environment file, which is in the SPICE OPUS home directory. Those variables are:
SPICE_PATH path to the main SPICE OPUS program
  (default: c:\spiceopus\bin\spice3.exe)
SPICE_EDITOR path to the editor of your choice
  (default: c:\windows\notepad.exe)
SPICE_LIB_DIR path to the library directory
  (default: c:\spiceopus\lib)
SPICE_HELP_DIR path to the help directory
  (default: c:\spiceopus\lib\helpdir)
SPICE_EXEC_DIR path to the SPICE OPUS helper executables
  (default: c:\spiceopus\bin)
If you move any group of files to some other location you should change the appropriate environment variable in the environment file.

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