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CACD Group
updated 2000.03.30

Let us introduce ourselves ...

We are a research group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are known as the Group for Computer Aided Circuit Design and we are pursuing very serious academic careers, although you might have doubts ...
Arpi Arpad Buermen (arpad.buermen@fe.uni-lj.si). He's the genius, a hacker of the worst kind. Working with him looks like this: "Arpi, this idea is so crazy it might work! Why don't you take a couple of days and see if it can be done?" The next day: "It can be done. Definitely." "Wonderful, how can you be so sure?" "Well, I just did it last night."
Iztok Iztok Fajfar (iztok.fajfar@fe.uni-lj.si). The academic wizard. You know all the jokes about how many engineers you need to change a fuse? Well, that's him! He can't change a fuse but he can write a scientific paper about it and you will never know its about a simple fuse. If you want to talk to him seriously, you have to speak C++.
Janez Janez Puhan (janez.puhan@fe.uni-lj.si). The nag-pick, goes always by the book. You know the kind of guy who folds his dirty laundry. He is very important to the programming group because he keep things from getting messy, so don't mess with him.
Tadej Tadej Tuma (tadej.tuma@fe.uni-lj.si). Organizes things, has visions, takes care of the funding, develops strategies ... in other words he's a good-for-nothing, so he gets to write the documentation, order the pizza for all-night programming sessions and things like that. He thinks he's the boss.
Brane Branko Zdralo (branko.zdralo@fe.uni-lj.si). The freak coming from industry - so he wants to see things really work. Before any peace of software is released it is dumped on Branko. He will promptly stumble over the most obscure bugs and he's a sucker for userfriendly interfaces (not necessarily graphic ones).
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