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CACD Group
updated 2000.04.13

bullet Contact the developers and other SPICE OPUS users

  • You have a bug report? send it to the developers:
    spice_opus@fe.uni-lj.si or
    Please do not send your bug reports to both addresses simultaneously.
    Add a detailed description of the bug along with the netlist and instructions that recreate the bug. Add the description of your platform (hardware, OS, OS version). Linux users should also add the kernel version they are using along with the distribution version (e.g. Debian 2.1, ...).

  • The spice_users@fides.fe.uni-lj list
    is open to public. Anyone can subscribe and unsubscribe using the WWW gateway or by sending an email to listar@fides.fe.uni-lj.si with
    subscribe spice_users
    in the body of the message. To unsubscribe, send
    unsubscribe spice_users
    in the body of the message.
    This list is for your discussions on SPICE. Developers of SPICE OPUS are reading the messages but since a day has only 24 hours they can't answer all questions. Maybe someone else on the list will answer them.

  • The spice_announce list
    is the list of users that want to be notified of new SPICE OPUS releases. Users get subscribed if they check the option Put me on the SPICE OPUS announcements mailing list. when they download SPICE OPUS.

  • Access to WWW gateway
    can be obtained by entering your e-mail address with the password field left empty. You will receive the password by email. You can use that password to access the WWW gateway.
    We recommend you change the password after your first login.
    The WWW gateway enables you to subscribe/unsubscribe from mailing lists.

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