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CACD Group
updated 2000.03.30
Author Janez Puhan

Phase Controlled AC Switch

The circuit

Pairs of complementary bipolar transistors can be used to form versatile circuits capable of simulating many negative resistance devices. In the following example, a thyristor model will be described.

With increasing voltage v(3,4) both transistors are nonconducting. The critical level, determined by the r3 / r4 ratio, causes regeneration to occur producing an avalanche breakdown analogous to discharge in gaseous tubes. The initial condition is restored by the zero crossing of a sine wave voltage. This will be demonstrated with following phase control circuit.

The input file

phase controlled ac switch

tran 250us 50ms
plot v(1) v(1,2) xlabel t[s] ylabel 'input output[V]' title 'TRAN analysis'

v1 1 0 dc 0 sin 0 20V 50Hz

r1 1 2 100
r2 6 3 1k
r3 5 3 3.3meg
* r4 4 5 optional

d1 3 2 noname1
d2 2 4 noname1
d3 3 0 noname1
d4 0 4 noname1

q2 5 6 3 noname3
q3 6 5 4 noname2

.model noname1 d
.model noname2 pnp rb=10 cjc=100pF
.model noname3 npn rb=10 cjc=100pF


The results

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