Riccardo ROVATTI

Riccardo ROVATTI
DEIS - Università di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 - Bologna (ITALY)

Tel: +39 051 209 3556
Fax: +39 051 209 3779
E-mail: rrovatti@deis.unibo.it


Riccardo Rovatti was born in Bologna (Italy) on January 14th 1969. He received a Dr. Eng. degree (with honors) in Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Bologna, Bologna in 1992 and 1996, respectively. Since 1997 he has been a lecturer of Digital Electronics at the University of Bologna and since 2000 he is an Assistant Professor of Analog and Digital Electronics at the same University. His research interests include fuzzy theory foundations, learning and CAD algorithms for fuzzy and neural systems, statistical pattern recognition, function approximation, non-linear system theory and identification as well as theory and applications of chaotic systems. He authored or co-authored more than 100 international scientific publications and he is co-editor of the book "Chaotic Electronics in Telecommunications" (CRC Press, Boca Raton 2000). He also served as Technical co-chairman for the 2000 IEEE Specialist Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronics Systems (NDES2000) and will serve as a co-guest editor for a special issue of the Proceeding of the IEEE on "Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Electronic and Information Engineering" which is due in 2002. Please see also Chaos Engineering Group home page

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