Davide ROSSI

Davide ROSSI
ARCES - University of Bologna Viale C. Pepoli, 3/2 - 40123 Bologna (Italy)

Tel: +39 051 2093834
Fax: +39 051 2093822
E-mail: drossi@arces.unibo.it


Davide Rossi was born on January 31th, 1982 in Forlė, Italy, and received his Degree in Electronics in October 2007 from the University of Bologna.
In November 2007 he joined the Advanced Research Center for Electronic Systems (ARCES) at the University of Bologna, and since 2010 he has been
a Ph.D. Student at the Department of Electronics and Computer Science in the same University (DEIS).

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DEIS Home Page University of Bologna Home Page

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